What is Ripple?

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What is Ripple?

The best way to promote a great culture in your business is to ‘develop and engage’ team members through your leaders. This is done by leaders acknowledging the efforts of team members, leaders creating opportunities for team members to develop new skills through ‘stretch’ responsibilities, and leaders giving regular or periodic feedback and coaching regarding new skills and responsibilities that are provided. 

Ripple is customized to the client’s culture and leadership development priorities. The following description provides an overview, but any area can easily be adapted to meet individual client needs: 


Customised surveys are circulated to mobile devices of managers and team members simultaneously for quick and easy completion. The system of Ripple enables immediate comparison of measured behaviour for feedback and coaching as determined by organizational sponsors to fully evaluate the participant’s current effectiveness level and developmental needs. 


Ripple is designed specifically to promote positive behaviour in the organisation. Poor behaviour that does not aid growth of the business, typically continues to be repeated until there is effective intervention to support and drive development. The tool pinpoints development areas that will have the greatest personal buy-in and quickest payback for team members and the business. 


Opportunity for immediate feedback is made available, providing the right vehicle to facilitate effective conversation of behavioural strengths, and other skills that require development. This provides clear and positive understanding of what behavioural skills team members need to develop. 


Regular reference is made to a benchmark or indicator of targeted client behaviours to objectively measure potential development of team members. The system provides a process to track and acknowledge positive behavioural development that is occurring, and identify behaviour that requires further growth. 


The design of Ripple enables on-line circulation of the tool on a regular and co-ordinated basis, providing a frequent and periodic measure of key behaviours and capabilities according to the needs of the business to fast-track developing skills. 

Want to learn more about Ripple?

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