Our Services


Explore the range of services you might need to improve the growth of your business!


Here at Eclipse, there is an extensive range of possible options that will assist you in driving the performance of people in your workplace.

Eclipse Leadership Group provides you with the expertise to identify and adopt the right solution that addresses the challenges faced to achieve growth and engages your business in the process.

Succession Management

“Eclipse Leadership Group will build systems that enable you to identify today who your best people are, and who is ready to lead your business tomorrow against the criteria set by you.”


In a time of significant change, identifying who will lead your business to shore up and sustain the growth of your business experiences becomes a critical skill. The challenges for your organisation are to define, and employees to understand the criteria for success at each level of leadership within your business. Eclipse Leadership Group will build systems that enable you to identify today who your best people are, and who is ready to lead your business tomorrow against the criteria set by you.


Leadership Development

“Fulfilling the skills of a business leadership role is a significant change from that of an individual employee or front-line leader. We  specialise in working with managers to transition and develop the key skills necessary to position leaders in business for success in their role by helping people to understand the unique demands of a leadership role.”


Fulfilling the skills of a business leadership role is a significant change from that of an individual employee or front-line leader. We specialise in working with managers to transition and develop the key skills necessary to position leaders in business for success in their role by helping people to understand the unique demands of the leadership role. Leadership plays a crucial role in the success of your business. Governed by your requirements, leadership development is addressed individually through Executive Coaching and in group settings, or a combination of both within a blended solution.



Eclipse Leadership Group works with you to implement your performance system that enables your leaders to effectively communicate expectations to employees, and provide timely feedback to achieve the behaviour change your business requires to improve performance.”


Performance Management is an ongoing process that is vital to the relationship between team members and their manager. In order for employees to make an effective contribution, they must know what is expected of them and how they are measuring up to those expectations, to improve their performance in their present job and to prepare themselves for more responsibility at the next level. Eclipse Leadership Group works with you to implement your performance system that enables your leaders to effectively communicate expectations to employees, and provide timely feedback to achieve the behaviour change your business requires to improve performance.



“Our Assessment is a rigorous, objective process used to evaluate the skills of current or prospective leaders. Such process enables you to determine the ideal candidate for a job or role, or to accelerate the development of your team members within their current role to raise performance levels across your business.”


Our Assessment is a rigorous, objective process used to evaluate the skills of current or prospective leaders. Participants in the assessment process face a range of tasks that review potential and performance capabilities of people to predict their effectiveness and readiness for recruitment, succession management, and talent development purposes. Such process enables you to determine the ideal candidate for a job or role, or to accelerate the development of your team members within their current role to raise performance levels across your business.


Executive Coaching

“Eclipse Leadership Group customises and engages you in the coaching process to suit the individual’s development priorities and schedule. We create accountability through focused attention and skill-building to achieve noticeable results that stretch and develop individual leadership capabilities to grow your business.”


The constant change and level of competitiveness that is present in business today require managers to regularly refine and sharpen their leadership skills to meet the needs of the organisation. A manager’s challenges can range from transitioning across positions within the company’s leadership pipeline to broadening their capabilities to accommodate increasing responsibility within their current role. Eclipse Leadership Group customises and engages you in the coaching process to suit the individual’s development priorities and schedule. We create accountability through focused attention and skill-building to achieve noticeable results that stretch and develop individual leadership capabilities to grow your business


Capability Architecture

“We partner with you to build and implement behavioural leadership capability models that define your business, and promote the behaviour that will steer your organisation to continued and sustained success.”


We partner with you to build and implement behavioural leadership capability models that define your business, and promote the behaviour that will steer your organisation to continued and sustained success. Establishing leadership behaviour within the organisation creates the ‘common language’ and infrastructure to drive performance of your business, make informed decisions about the right people in the right positions within your business, and readily determines the development needs of your business.



A key factor in achieving the results you are seeking for your business is dependent on the accuracy of the measures you use, and implementing the right measures to base your business decisions on.

Eclipse Leadership Group consults with your business to pin-point the right measures to discover your potential leadership talent, benchmark your performance, and increase your awareness of where to target development initiatives for your business.


“Our team works with your team(s) to apply accurate measures to understand in greater depth the challenges the team needs to overcome, and the role the leader needs to play to fulfill the goals the business wants to achieve.”


The ideal workplace is a team that is engaged and focused to achieve common ‘stretch’ goals, which are identified for the business to succeed. When the team is inspired by where they work, their team goals are aligned to the business strategy, and the team recognises the different valued qualities of their peers, it is a motivating environment to be a part of. Our team works with your team(s) to apply accurate measures to understand in greater depth the challenges the team needs to overcome, and the role the leader needs to play to fulfill the goals the business wants to achieve.



“Applying respected and recognised measures of emotional intelligence, our commitment is to coach your leaders and team members alike to interpret, understand, and express the right emotions in the right situations to lead and promote the very best potential in your people.”


EQ or a team member’s Emotional Intelligence Quotient refers to a person’s ability to perceive, control, evaluate, and express emotions. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to draw on the right combination of skills and competencies that are most appropriate for the business challenges you are currently addressing. Applying respected and recognised measures of emotional intelligence, our commitment is to coach your leaders and team members alike to interpret, understand, and express the right emotions in the right situations to lead and promote the very best potential in your people.



“The 360 profiling methods are a robust approach of understanding where the leadership strengths and development areas exist for a manager. Feedback is collected from a variety of sources and Eclipse Leadership Group specialises in ensuring that your people remain engaged while learning about what they need to address to lead in more effective ways to drive results for your business .”


The 360 profiling methods are a robust approach of understanding where the leadership strengths and development areas exist for a manager. For your business to continue to grow, adapt to changes, and achieve its strategic goals, managers must be developed for many different organizational purposes and levels of your business. Feedback is collected from a variety of sources and Eclipse Leadership Group specialises in ensuring that your people remain engaged while learning about what they need to address to lead in more effective ways to drive results for your business.



“By selecting and using the right questionnaires to review personality style, preferences, and interests, Eclipse Leadership Group provides an objective and accurate process to determine an individual’s capabilities and readiness to perform a job or role – now and in the future.”


By selecting and using the right questionnaires to review personality style, preferences, and interests, Eclipse Leadership Group provides an objective and accurate process to determine an individual’s capabilities and readiness to perform a job or role – now and in the future. The insight derived from profiling aims to reveal potential, confirm capability to sustain performance in a larger role, and helps define development needs regarding decisions you are making about your people.



“A key element of understanding the potential of your people sits within their ability to deduct information, solve problems, and make the right critical decisions and so on for your business. Eclipse Leadership Group will provide the knowledge to select from the range of abilities measures to assess the potential of prospective and current people within your business.”


A key element of understanding the potential of your people sits within their ability to deduct information, solve problems, and make the right critical decisions and so on for your business. Eclipse Leadership Group will provide the knowledge to select from the range of abilities measures to assess the potential of prospective and current people within your business.”


Gap Analysis

“Eclipse Leadership Group creates an environment and process to facilitate direct awareness of job performance, standout strengths, and where the development opportunities remain for the individual and the organisation. When this level of understanding is realised, your business takes a ‘step-change’ to achieve the potential you know exists.”


The rate of business growth is crucially aligned with the rate of learning within business, and key to this is to build understanding of what specific leadership capabilities managers need to learn. To set the path of leadership behaviour that will drive your business, a business needs to understand what capabilities are potentially holding it back. Eclipse Leadership Group creates an environment and process to facilitate direct awareness of job performance, standout strengths, and where the development opportunities remain for the individual and the organisation. When this level of understanding is realised, your business takes a ‘step-change’ to achieve the potential you know exists.


Contact one of our friendly consultants to find out what services you need to improve the growth of your business