Maximising Employee Engagement and Retention Through Accurate Performance Reviews

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Maximising Employee Engagement and Retention Through Accurate Performance Reviews

Performance reviews, intended to provide an objective assessment of an employee’s contributions, often fall prey to subjective judgements influenced by unconscious biases and ineffective tracking of employee behaviour. Employees subjected to unfair assessments may become disengaged, feeling undervalued and demotivated by feedback that fails to accurately reflect their skills and contributions. This disengagement not only affects individual morale but can also impact the productivity and drive of entire teams, and increase the risk of losing valuable employees. 

For companies striving to retain their best and brightest, addressing the effectiveness of performance reviews is a moral and strategic necessity. By implementing objective evaluation criteria and providing coaching opportunities to leaders on how to provide accurate feedback, organisations can reduce the risk of talent loss and create an environment where every employee feels values and empowered to thrive.

Source: Cecchi-Dimeglio, P. (2022, July 12). 6 Ways to Make Performance Reviews More Fair. Harvard Business Review.

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