Learning as a Leader of Others

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Learning as a Leader of Others

In leadership development, experience is undeniably a key factor.  However, the true excellence lies in transforming that experience into a powerful catalyst for personal and professional development. An established leader, while valuable, may not automatically possess optimal skills. What sets exceptional leaders apart is their continuous commitment to learning and growth. 

Leaders in a state of learning, developing their skills through intentional experiences begin by setting ambitious learning goals for traits they wish to develop such as becoming more persuasive or accessible. These goals serve as guides, driving leaders towards targeted self-improvement. 

These forward-thinking leaders seize every opportunity to experiment with innovative strategies. For example, a leader aspiring to enhance persuasiveness might explore the impact of choosing a different seat or strategically framing their contributions in a team meeting. To enhance the learning process, having a supportive coach offering feedback and acting as a trusted advisor can be a game-changer. 

Great leaders extract valuable insights from their experiments. They evaluate what worked well, what didn’t quite hit the mark, and discern pathways for even greater success in the future. These reflective practices are often overlooked, but form the foundation of successful leadership evolution.

What makes these principles truly transformative is the revelation that leadership skills are not inaccessible talents, but rather skills that can be systematically acquired and honed through deliberate practice. With opportunities for growth and positive transformation, leaders can develop to their full potential. 

Source: Good leaders are good learners. Harvard Business Review. (2018, January 23). https://hbr.org/2017/08/good-leaders-are-good-learners

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