Enhancing Employee Engagement to Reduce Quiet Quitting

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Enhancing Employee Engagement to Reduce Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitters are individuals who, despite their apparent disengagement, hold the potential to become valuable assets to their organisations. By addressing their desires, leaders and managers can unlock their potential and transform them into proactive and engaged team members. 

When inquired about their aspirations for workplace improvements and what would change their attitude towards work, quiet quitters voiced several common desires. 

1. Diversified Learning Opportunities: Many expressed that they wanted more diverse and intellectually stimulating tasks. The repetitiveness of their current roles leave them wanting to expand their skill set and knowledge. 

2. Desire for Respect: They seek a workplace culture that places an importance on mutual respect. Feeling undervalued can be cause employees to feel that their contributions are not being recognised or acknowledged. 

3. Equitable Promotion Opportunities: There is a collective desire for a level playing field when it comes to career advancement. Quiet quitters want transparency and fair promotion processes that provide everyone with an equal chance to progress within the organisation. 

4. Role Clarity and Guidance: Many employees crave clearer objectives and stronger guidance from their leaders. Unclear role expectations can lead to frustration when well-defined paths are desired. 

5. Recognition for Contributions: Recognition is a motivating factor, and employees express a desire for a culture that acknowledges and rewards individual and group contributions. 

6. Approachable management: A more open and approachable management style is highly desired by employees. The ability to engage in open and honest conversations with managers is seen as a means to foster trust and collaboration. 

7. Autonomy for Creativity: Providing employees with more autonomy in their work is seen as a way to stimulate creativity and innovation within the organisation. 

Source: State of the Australian and New Zealand Workplace Report: Download now Gallup.com. Available at: https://advise.gallup.com/state-of-australian-newzealand-workplace-report?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=p_social&utm_campaign=li-wk_sogw-apac_au-eng-ee-p4.

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