Contributing Factors to Skill Building in Organisations

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Contributing Factors to Effective Skill Building in Organisations

Investing time into developing employee capabilities is a powerful way for organisations to increase effectiveness and the end result in the business. Effective skill building requires foresight and planning to address the current gaps in talent, to enable a foundation of capabilities and a natural progression of confidence across your team that enables productivity to fly.

Critical skills and skill gaps 

Identifying the most essential skills required for a company to reach its targets sets a line of comparison for which specific skills need to be developed. Including the future needs of the business in these evaluations creates space for the company to expand and avoids future setbacks from occurring. 

Creating a plan 

Planning how to address skill gaps is a crucial step in the skill building process that enables the most effective tactics to be incorporated. Building off of similar skills that employees already possess is an efficient and less intimidating way to introduce new capability targets. 

Combining approach settings 

A multi-modal delivery approach is the most effective way of building employee skills and has shown to yield the best results. This allows employees to develop their skills whilst concurrently applying them to their actual roles. 

Refining the approach 

 Using data to track the effectiveness of different approaches is a pre-emptive measure that allows businesses to adjust their processes accordingly. A skills inventory is a valuable asset for organisations to implement and leads to constantly updated skill development forms. 

Source: Fenton, M., Field, E., & Mugayar-Baldocchi, M. (n.d.). Piecing together the talent puzzle: How to bring a redeployment or skilling program to life. McKinsey & Company.

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