Hidden Costs of Losing Employees

The Hidden Costs of Losing Employees Employee attrition is more costly than many realise, with several companies focusing on attracting talent rather than retaining it. Here are the hidden costs of attrition and how to address them.  Decreased Productivity When an employee leaves unexpectedly, it disrupts operations and reduces productivity. Read more…

Ripple Quote

Ripple Quote Effective communication is the cornerstone of impactful leadership, captured by the James Humes’ quote, “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” Leaders who master the art of communication can inspire, motivate, and guide their teams towards a shared vision. This skills involves not just conveying information, Read more…

What is the Cost of Employee Attrition?

What is the Cost of Employee Attrition? Employee turnover is a significant challenge for many organisations, and the financial implications are often more severe than anticipated. On average, voluntary turnover costs an organisation approximately $1.61 million for every 1,000 employees.  When employees leave voluntarily, the impact goes beyond the immediate Read more…

How Accurately Do You Know Your Team?

How Accurately Do You Know Your Team Members? Performance reviews are crucial for steering organisations toward success, and how deeply leaders know their teams influence the effectiveness of feedback.  Recognising and addressing biases is key to fair evaluations. Accurate assessments stem from understanding each team member’s strengths, development areas, and goals. Read more…

Delivering Empowering and Effective Performance Reviews

Delivering Empowering and Effective Performance Reviews Performance reviews are pivotal moments in any organisation’s calendar, offering a unique opportunity for managers to align their team members’ efforts with organisational goals, foster development, and enhance collaboration. To make the most of these crucial conversations, managers should understand their objectives.  1. Recognise Read more…