Developing Workplace Culture

Developing Workplace Culture As a leader, whether you are managing people for the first time or have been in a leadership role for some time, capturing team member behaviour to have the capability to provide frequent feedback is invaluable. Periodically discussing the great strengths of employees or building awareness of Read more…

Executing Business Goals

Executing Business Goals Ripple – Execution provides the system to prioritise your organisation’s critical goals, capture the lead behavioural indicators to achieve your goals, measure your team’s behaviour against your goals, and build accountability for your team to track progress against your goals.  Want to learn more about Ripple?  Enquire Read more…

How does Ripple make coaching easier?

How does Ripple make coaching easier? Ripple converts intangible and broad observations of people into tangible measured behaviour that benefits team members, leaders, and the organisation. Customised to the client’s key commercial priorities, Ripple is an on-line based tool that enables an objective means of indicating and learning about team Read more…

Reasons for using Ripple within business

Reasons for Using Ripple Within Business Organisations are increasingly turning to Ripple as a way to support and develop the culture or leadership they require to ensure ongoing success. With an ever-increasing demand for talent, a rapidly changing commercial environment, and the accelerated learning speeds many organisations require, professionally guided Read more…