What is Ripple?

What is Ripple? The best way to promote a great culture in your business is to ‘develop and engage’ team members through your leaders. This is done by leaders acknowledging the efforts of team members, leaders creating opportunities for team members to develop new skills through ‘stretch’ responsibilities, and leaders Read more…

How to gain the most from a feedback session

How to Gain the Most From a Feedback Session Great leaders understand that feedback sessions are foundational to their role and can improve their employee’s day-to-day output drastically when implemented correctly. It is a manager’s responsibility to ensure these meetings are scheduled, actively facilitate, and stimulate development and motivation within Read more…

What is Driving Employee Engagement?

What is Driving Employee Engagement? Employees who are disengaged display a greater division or disconnect from their work, whereas having employees that are engaged leads to an abundance of positive outcomes for both the individual and the organisation. Increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and increased customer satisfaction are just a Read more…

What does great feedback look like?

What does great feedback look like? Consistently and effectively developing your team is a critical component of successful leadership. Feedback, both positive and developmental, is essential to helping managers enhance their team’s best qualities and address any changes that should be implemented. When leaders are able to communicate openly with Read more…