Feedback-Friendly Culture

Fostering a Feedback-Friendly Culture in Your Organisation Individual feedback in organisations is important, but creating a feedback-friendly culture can initiate more meaningful interpretations and drive positive change.  Promoting the continuity of learning  Providing supportive feedback to employees with processes to assist with properly understanding the meaning and significance behind the Read more…

Ripple Quote

Ripple Quotes Source: Drucker, P.F. (1993). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Reprint ed.). Harper Business.  At Eclipse we can equip you with the interpersonal skills and leadership abilities needed to foster employee potential. We can help to pinpoint the areas of development that can lift your organisation’s vision to long-term thinking.  Once Read more…

Long-Term Vision

Pursuing Your Company’s Long-Term Vision Amidst Short-Term Challenges It is imperative for company leaders that strive to succeed to develop a distinct, meaningful and unified vision of the long-term outcomes of the organisation. Even once a vision is in place, many companies fail to plan and execute the changes required Read more…