Purposeful Leadership

Principles of Purposeful Leadership “While each company needs to define its own leadership point of view, this article presents five attributes that characterize leaders from most high-performing companies.” (Joly, 2022) “The way we lead has profound implications for people around us and how we do business. We cannot transform companies, Read more…

Transitioning into Leadership Roles

Transitioning to new leadership roles “Every leadership transition creates uncertainty. These questions boil down to one: Will the leader be successful?” (Keller, 2018) Fulfilling the skills of a business leadership role is a significant change from that of an individual employee or front-line leader.  “When leaders struggle through a transition, the Read more…


The Importance Of Practice As leaders, we’re accustomed to being good at what we do. Learning something new is hard, especially at the beginning when we’re likely to struggle and make mistakes.  The reality is, the only way to learn something new is to practice. Yet practicing something new can Read more…